
Javelin quiver set (6 versions + 1 attachment)

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Javelin quiver set (6 versions + 1 attachment)


Karnu tightened the grip around his javelin. The spear's tip was heavy because of the pack of gunpowder and shrapnel bound underneath. His mens' charge has not stopped since they obliterated the enemies archers, leaving behind just some blackened and smoldering earth. Now they were about to charge the back of the hostile infantry line. Karnu rose his arm, his voice hearable clearly over the fighting: "Throw!". As one he and his riders threw their javelins at their targets, the explosions ripping holes in the enemies' formation. "CHARGE!"

Included in this set are 6 different javelin quivers. Additionally you will get a saddle attachment piece.

Every model is included supported and unsupported.

Designed for Resin SLA and DLP printers these models are scaled 1:64, for 28mm wargaming models. Rescaling them to 20mm or 32mm uses is possible.

From "Gaslands" to "Age of Sigmar" with this set you will be able to build your own javelin unit inspired by the Outriders unit of the videogame Conqueror's Blade. The quivers hold 3-4 javelins each with different versions.
Not enough space for capes or similar (for example with the Dark Riders unit of Games Workshop)? Use the saddle attachment to create some space between the model and the quiver.

Important: By purchasing these files, you agree that you may only use the content provided for personal use, and you are not allowed to distribute or sell the files. You also agree not to sell physical copies.

If you are interested in selling physical copies reach out to me.

Permission is given to modify the files for your own personal use but you are not permitted to share those derivatives in any way.

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- JavelinQiversSet.zip: Download a .zip file containing 14 .stl files. 6 different javelin quivers + the sattle attachment in supported and unsupported versions.

38.3 MB
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